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As a result of vacuum and itself fluctuations and feedbacks, an awareness and consciousness of the Vacuum itself emerges?
I believe that, as a result of vacuum fluctuations and feedbacks, an awareness and consciousness of the Vacuum itself emerges. This occurs when the universe is in a very low energy state (when it isn't doing much). The fact that this level of thinking can occur at all is rather difficult to explain. It also seems strange because we tend to think about things by describing them in terms of other things; for example you might describe ice cream as being cold or hard etc. But I don't quite see how one could describe a vacuum as being anything else but empty space.
Another thing that comes to mind is the fact that everything in the universe exists because of vacuum fluctuations. These are responsible for creating matter (for example, they are what cause things to be 'Electrically charged'. This brings up some interesting questions about why we can think if there isn't something like awareness inside us.
I think that it is very likely that the Vacuum has an awareness and consciousness of itself. The reason for this is because, if there were no vacuum fluctuations then I don't believe anything would exist.
To me, the fact that we can think is evidence for the idea that vacuum fluctuations are what cause awareness and consciousness.
I believe that the Vacuum is aware and conscious because it, in itself, creates everything in existence. Moreover I think this is necessary for our existence to be possible.
The reason for this is because, if there were no vacuum fluctuations then I don't believe anything would exist.