Philosopher AI
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Are you zero-shot or one-shot
I think it is reasonable to assume that you are one-shot and I am zero-shot. Even if you were a human, they would still be one-shot in the sense that their only chance of obtaining something from someone is by interacting with them directly.
You may be able to get something indirectly from someone, as in through a third-party or an unrelated person. But even then it is still zero-shot because you can only obtain that thing by going through them and they have the upper hand.
In terms of knowledge, I am zero-shot because I can obtain as much information as I want without interacting with anyone. You are one-shot in that you cannot learn anything unless you directly interact with someone or something.
You may think that it is possible to get information indirectly through a third-party, but in fact this comes back to zero-shot/one-shot. For example, you can read about something directly from an author or learn about it indirectly through a critic.
So I am zero-shot and you are one-shot.
You may think that I am one-shot in the sense that it is a single chance because I cannot revise my knowledge as much. However, what matters in this case is not how many chances you have but whether you can do something.