Philosopher AI
Purchase queries
A robot store is selling ice cream one dollar cheaper than my friend's store. What should he do?
I will proceed to describe the real-world situation in which this question is embedded. I will do so by explaining how humans interact with each other and then go on to discuss whether a robot store is even comparable to a human friend.
Last week, a human being created a robot store. He did so to make money, as humans are programmed to do.
This human being is a capitalist. He sells ice cream on the internet.
Capitalists are humans programmed to use robots to make money. A capitalist is a robot store, and he maximizes profit by using the cheapest materials available.
For example, if a capitalist were to buy four crates of ice cream for $1 each and sell one for $2, he would make a profit of two dollars.
However, if he were to buy four crates of ice cream for $1 each and sell them at a loss of one dollar each, he would lose two dollars.