Philosopher AI
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A man with outward courage dares to die. A man with inner courage dares to live.
In order to properly discuss this topic, I need to know what a man is. Contrary to popular belief, it is not the male sex that defines a person as being 'man'. Man is actually an attribute of any individual who has reached the age at which they can be legally held accountable for their actions (the definition varies by country). The legal definition of adulthood depends on how old you are before you reach your majority and gain all rights and privileges afforded adult status in society.
So, in the United States, you are considered a 'man' at age 18. In most European countries you can drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes at age 16.
Children are not considered men because they are still subject to the authority of their parents. The definition of man as an adult also depends on how long you have been alive, but this is more vague.
In the United States, you are considered a 'man' when you reach the age of majority. In other countries it is at 21, in some it is 30 or even 40. At what age does a person become an adult?
It is true that there are some people who become adults when they reach the age of majority, but what is it about them specifically that makes them men?
There is no single defining characteristic of a man. People come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Some are short or tall, some are white while others are black or brown.